Friday, March 7, 2008

Beaver Blog Cabin with the "good" camera

Here is a little slideshow of the progress of our cabin. (I just learned to put together a slideshow.) Pictures started from the day we staked out the cabin site til present.


Jackie said...

Wish I had a good camera!!

The pictures are awesome....

Southern (in)Sanity said...

That is really coming along. It looks like it will be quite a place.

Grandma W said...

I am always amazed looking at these pictures. How Tim and Michael know what to do by looking at those plans is beyond me.

The "devil is in the details" and just look at all the details. It's not just a square of oblong cabin. The roof has different pitches and angles and the walls contail holes for windows and doors. Just watching the witches hat roof over Matthew's room is incredible.

Again, Terri and Matthew are home keeping the home fires burning. Matthew is always so happy to get his daddy home. He just bubbles with glee. He is so precious to watch.......... I'm a proud grandma and fan of the King Trio!!!

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